There is an inner child inside of us all. And every child is an artist, before the world taught them otherwise. Most of us are disconnected from this part of ourselves. We push our playful creativity away, putting too much emphasis on the end result or prioritise productivity that stops us from even trying. But giving yourself space and time to observe the world around you, dive into your daydreams and express is where the magic happens. You may suddenly notice something new about your environment, reach a new perspective about a problem occupying your mind, or discover a hidden talent you didn’t know you had. At the very least, letting your creativity flow without expectation allows you to connect with your childlike wonder. This gifts you with a new appreciation for the world around you and gratitude for your life.

There are countless ways to connect with your inner child artist, but I will introduce you to six simple ideas in this blog post.

      1. Paint or draw something (without expectation)

      Get out of your head and into your heart as you work with your hands to paint or draw something. You might like to gather inspiration from the natural environment around you or from your internal world as you create something more abstract. Try not to judge yourself or the result, instead focus on the process. Are there amazing new details you can now see in your environment that you couldn’t before? Are you feeling relaxed, receptive and in creative flow? The key here is to focus on the process.

      2. Bake something (don’t forget to dance in the kitchen)

        There’s something so nostalgic about baking. It really is such a joyful experience. Have fun trying out a new recipe or re-make a childhood favourite. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the process as you create something delicious from scratch. Don’t forget to dance in the kitchen as you do so! When its ready, share with your friends or family for extra feels.

        3. Explore a new town

        Got the day off? It’s time for a road-trip! Jump in the car and explore a new town. You can look up some cute recommendations beforehand or throw caution to the wind and allow your day to naturally unfurl. Escaping your regular routine and immersing yourself in new environments allows for all sorts of discoveries and synchronous moments. Notice how you step into your child-like wonder from doing so.

        4. Write a letter

        There’s something so sweet and heartfelt about writing a letter. It can be to a friend, a lover or even your younger/future self. Get creative with your stationary and decoration (think lace, stamps and stickers). You can even post your letter in the mail for extra cuteness.

        5. Create a vision board

        Collage your dreams into reality with a vision board. You could focus your vision board on what you want to manifest in the area of life, home, career, travel… or whatever you wish. Get lost in a Pinterest rabbit-hole finding photo inspiration or get crafty with mixed media. Turn it into a social activity by inviting friends over with their magazines and dreams to create together.

        6. Wander with a camera

          An easy, fun way to connect with your inner child artist without expectation is to grab any camera that is available to you (from a film camera to an iPhone) and allow yourself to wander. You’ll be amazed at what you discover as you slow down and notice what’s going in the natural or built environment around you. I encourage you to get creative with your angles and experiment with frames of differing closeness. You can also bring a friend and get some cute photos while you’re at it.

          Well that finishes off my list of ways to connect with your inner child artist. I’d love to know how you go! And if you have another great idea, I’d love to read it in the comments 🙂