Personal growth is something that occurs naturally as we go through life. On our journey we have a multitude of experiences, some positive and some damn challenging, that enable us to learn important lessons and step more into who we truly are. Like growing pains, sometimes personal growth can be painful and confusing. Other times it is fun and empowering as you progress in quantum leaps.

Don’t be afraid of change, for it is inevitable. Our growth never ceases and is a life-long journey, so allow the river of life to carry you and try to let go of the need to control and know the outcomes. There are no wrong moves. Whatever choices you make will inevitably lead you to learn the lessons that will allow you to grow as a result. Trust in the universe and the knowledge that everything happens for a reason. Try to tune into your intuition, your internal compass that guides you on your way.

I’ve included some wonderful tools for self-exploration below which have really helped me on my journey. The information revealed by these tools resonated with me strongly and helped me to understand myself and my path better. Although these tools are all different, you will find many commonalities and relationships between the information that they present. However, keep in mind that these are simply tools to help you understand more about yourself and can be flexible in nature. Your intuition (or gut feeling) will tell you what rings true.

You might like to explore:

  1. Myer-Briggs personality test
    • designed to identify your personality type, strengths, preferences and decision-making processes
  2. Enneagram personality test
    • reveals your personality type and describes patterns in how you conceptualise the world and manage your emotions
  3. Astrology
    • explore your full birth chart and gain wonderful wisdom about who you are, how others perceive you, your emotional needs, important life lessons, your purpose, karmic lessons and much more
  4. Numerology
    • can be used to better understand the world and yourself as an individual due to the idea that the universe is a system that is broken down into the basic element of numbers
  5. Human design
    • guides you to live in synchronicity with the unique person that you are by drawing on quantum physics, human genetics, the Chinese I’Ching, Jewish Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system and astrology
  6. Holland Career Codes
    • helps you to identify commonalities in the types of tasks you like doing to help you find a fulfilling purpose

I hope this post has helped you gain some insights to guide you on your journey! If there’s a tool for growth you’d like to recommend, I’d love to know in the comments x