We are all born with an incredible internal compass to guide us on our journey through life. This inner guidance, knowing or voice is called our intuition. Sometimes we can hear it loud and clear. Other times, we are so disconnected from ourselves that we are entirely oblivious to what it is trying to tell us. But the more in tune we can be with ourselves, the more we can live in alignment with ourselves and the world around us to create our highest version of reality.

You may recall many situations in which your intuition has directly spoken to you. You may have felt a sinking sensation in your stomach, “butterflies” of excitement, goosebumps of fear, a flash of clarity or a feeling of peaceful happiness after making a decision. These gut feelings are your body’s way of communicating to you when something feels right or wrong. The challenge is being able to act on your inner knowing without letting your overthinking brain talk you out of it. This happens all too easily in a world that is constantly “thinking” and “doing”.

We are bombarded with so much information and so many opinions everyday – from the media and ‘experts’ to our family and friends. We are constantly outsourcing our intuition as we allow everything outside of ourselves to determine our lives. Yet we rarely sit with ourselves, free of distractions, and listen to what our intuition is trying to tell us. It’s no surprise then that we can find ourselves burnt-out or sick, as we push away our need to rest; unsatisfied in relationships, as we struggle to communicate our true needs; working tirelessly in an unfulfilling career, because we are scared to follow our heart; or on diets that make us feel worse, because we are following the latest trend and don’t know how to listen to the signals that our bodies send us. It is often much easier to avoid processing these unpleasant feelings that arise as a result of not listening to our intuition. So instead we bottle them up, push them down and reach for distractions. But this only delays the inevitable. Suddenly you may come to the realisation that you are living a life completely out of alignment with your true self. But you can always find your way back home.

To bring yourself back into alignment, it is necessary to first tune in with yourself. You might like to find a quiet space to find stillness and check in. How are you feeling? What thoughts are coming to mind? What is calling to you? Are you worried about the opinions of others? No one else can tell you what is best for you or how you should live your life. But by taking time to connect with yourself each day, you will be able to slowly carve your own life with authenticity, presence and joy. 

Some of the most amazing trail blazers owe their success to listening to their intuition. Take Oprah Winfrey for example. She is an incredibly successful talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist. In her words, “I’ve trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And the only time I’ve made mistakes is when I didn’t listen.”

So trust the ‘pings’ you receive – those weird little downloads that tell you to go do something. They are little signs on your roadmap. Likewise, the negativity or stagnant energy you may experience is a roadmap to what you want by allowing you to realise what you don’t want! Just embrace it and learn from it. You truly are the alchemist of your own life and have the power to create a life that you love. You need only listen to your inner voice and honour it on your journey.

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected and we are able to know everything because it’s all written there.”

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

I hope this article has helped you to connect back with yourself in some way. For more action steps, check out my intuition cheat sheet here!