Part I of your skin glow guide covers the importance of nutrition for good gut health and glowing skin through the skin-gut connection. After laying down the foundation for healthy skin with nutrition, we can now turn our attention to your skincare practices. This can make or break your skin. So get ready to take notes!

4 skincare tips for sensational skin

If you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it on your skin. 60-90% of the ingredients you put onto it are absorbed into your bloodstream. The average woman absorbs 130 chemicals into her bloodstream every single day through skincare and make-up products. These toxins wreak havoc on the body and are linked to problems such as hormonal dysfunction, skin conditions and liver function. Just as it is important to be aware of what you are putting into your body, it is equally important to consider what you are putting onto your skin. Choose good quality ingredients. After all, your body is a temple. I invest in skincare and make-up products that are natural, organic and cruelty free.

Find a skincare routine that works for you. I recommend using a natural but active cleanser followed by a moisturising combination of choice (such as a serum for “repair”, oil for “hydration” and/or moisturiser to “lock in moisture and nutrients”). Incorporating a gentle exfoliant twice a week can work wonders for your skin as it removes dead and dulling skin cells for smoother, more supple skin.

Can’t touch this. Refrain from attacking anything that has been brought up to your skin’s surface. It will not make your pimples go away any faster and will only make your skin angrier. Instead, allow your skin room to breathe. You will soon breathe easier when your blemishes fade away faster without a fight! Try and incorporate make-up free days to give your skin time to restore and repair.

Protect your skin from sun damage. The sun is glorious. But it can’t be denied that it is damaging to your skin. It is important to apply an effective natural sunscreen to prevent the breakdown of collagen. You can also boost your SPF internally by consuming certain foods. Like an edible sunscreen, these foods help protect your skin from UV radiation. Examples include fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, green tea and dark chocolate (hooray!).