You used to call me on your shellphone…

After travelling to the islands of French Polynesia, I brought a beautiful scallop shell back home with me as a souvenir of my adventures. It wasn’t long before I had the idea to turn my souvenir into a shellphone (any other Aquamarine lovers here?).

Now it seems everywhere I go, whether I’m doing something on my phone or tapping it to pay, I get so many compliments and questions about my shellphone! So I decided to answer the call and make a small batch of shellphones using natural scallop shells.

All shells are set on a marbled ocean backdrop. The colours include hues of orange, yellow, pink, purple, brown and white. Simply request your preferred shell colour and iPhone model here.

I hope your shellphone brings you as much joy and love as it has for me!

Go on, connect with your inner mermaid…